
Screen to configure and edit the Insurance Companies and the health plan.


Through Settings

  • On the Settings screen, press the Billing button and then press the Insurances button.  

Through QuickLinks

  • From the main screen, click on the QuickLinks text at the top of the screen and select the Billing option. Then, click on the Settings button located at the top of the screen and select the Insurances option.

Through Main Menu

  • On the main screen, click on the Billing button. Then, press the Settings button located at the top of the screen and select the Insurances option.  

Through Patients

  • On the Patient Details screen, click on the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option. Then, press the Settings button located at the top of the screen and select the Insurances option. 

Through Appointments

  • On the Appointments screen, press the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option. Then, press the Settings button located at the top of the screen and select the Insurances option. 



  • Previous: When pressed, the screen will close. 
  • Companies: Section where the list of all insurance companies is displayed. This table also includes the number of rate groups and coverage created for that insurer. 

  • By clicking the right mouse button in this area, the user will be able to select from the following options:
    • Add: Allows to add insurers.
    • Delete: Allows to delete the insurer, depending on the selection.
      • Note: Once it is bound or tied to a patient's cover, it cannot be removed. 
    • Copy: Make a copy of the selected insurance company.
    • Paste: Allows to add a new entry from that company, which the user copied earlier.  
    • Clear Copy: Allows you to delete the action, if you have made a copy of the insurance company.  
  • Company Details: Section where the details of the insurer's information will be collected. 

  • Among the fields to be collected are:
    • Name: Name that identifies the insurer.
    • Code: Code that identifies the insurer internally.
    • Payer ID: Identifier of the insurer, with the billing service provider, in all those electronic transactions.
    • Identifier: Allows you to select the type of insurance business.  
    • Default Provider: Identify the name of the supplier you want to appear each time a claim is created.
    • ETIN: The Electronic Transmitter Identification Number of the insurer is recorded.
    • Email: E-mail of the insurer, may be from a contact person.
    • Web: Insurance company's website.
    • Physical Address: Insurance Company physical address. 
    • Postal Address: Insurance company mailing address.
    • Enabled: Select this option to identify that the insurance company is enabled. 
  • Coverage Plans: Section where the list of all the coverage of an insurer is displayed.

  • Plan Details: Section where the details of the cover information will be displayed.
    • Name:Coverage name.
    • Code: Name by which the insurer will be identified in the Billing screen.  
    • Claim Type: Select the type of cover.
    • Billing Schedule: Select the rates, which will be using the cover.
    • Needs Referral: Identify if the cover needs referral.
    • Capitation: Identify if the cover is a Capitation.
    • Enabled: Select this option, if the office has the cover active. If the office will no longer work with the cover, uncheck this option.
    • Copays: In this section, enter the deductible information. This information can be found on the patient's medical plan card.

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