This screen manages all the images, scanned or stored in a folder, associated with the patient. The images can be classified into the following categories: Patient Details, Clinical or Billing. The categories can be configured in order to organize the images in a structured format. Patient photo, medical plan cards, consent forms, advance directives and lab results are among the images that can be stored and sorted within this screen.
Through Main Menu
- Click on the Patients button, in the Main Menu.
- Select a patient and then click on the Documents button, located at the top of screen.
Through QuickLinks
- Click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen in Main Menu and select the Patients option.
- Once in the Patients screen, select a patient and then click on the Documents button, located at the top of screen.
Through Appointments
- Click on the Appointments button, located in Main Menu.
- Once in the Appointments screen, select patient and then click on Patients Details button, located in the Side Panel section.
- In the Patients screen click on Documents button, located at the top of screen.
There are several areas that have to be configured before the display will work properly:
- Consent Forms: In order for the consents to be displayed when pressing the Consent Form button, they must be added, in Settings / Office / Templates, under the Master Category of General and the Consent Forms category.
- Certificates: ITo display the certificates by pressing the Certificates button, you must add then in Settings / Office / Templates, under the Master Category of General and Certificates category.
- Print: Allows you to print the selected document.
- Export: Allows you to export, to any preferred location, the documents selected in the table.
- Consent Forms: When pressed, displays the screen containing the consent forms registered in the system.
- Certificates: When pressed, it displays the screen containing the certificates registered in the system.
- Referrals: When pressed, it displays the referrals screen. In this screen, the patient's referrals will be registered.
- Add: Pressing displays the screen for adding images.
- Previous: Return to the previous screen.
Filter / Search bar: Section by the three categories within the system Patient Details, Clinical and Billing. It is recommended that the Select All option be selected in each of the categories in order to be able to view all the documents and images.
Patient Details: In this section, you can view the different types of documents/images in the Patient Details category.
Clinical: In this section, you can view the different types of documents/images in the Clinical category.
- Billing: In this section, you will be able to view the different types of documents/images within the Billing category.
- Advanced Search: By clicking on the link, the field will be displayed, in order to perform the advanced search and select the options: active, inactive or all.
Note: By typing what you want to search for and pressing the Enter key.
- Table grid: In this section, all the documents and images saved for a patient will be displayed. They will be classified in the following areas: Patient Details, Clinical and Billing. It is extremely important that in order to visualize all the documents and images, the filters are not selected.
- Information: Section, where the information is displayed, which identifies date, time and user, who registered and/or updated it.
- Display: Section, where the selected document can be displayed in the table on the left.
- Buttons: Section to expand and edit the selected document. Select the image in the left column and press the different buttons.
- Zoom: When pressed, the Windows Photo Viewer screen will be displayed to view the image in a larger format.
- Edit: When pressed, the image editing screen, called File Details, will be displayed.
Recommended Articles:
- FAQ's: Patients / Documents