Screen Description
Primary system configurations are made through the setting module.
Complete searches for available options in all four (4) categories: Clinical, General, Office and Billing.
General settings is where the systems administrator or other authorized users configure permissions, users, provider information, security, etc.
Screens and primary functionality | Where is it used? |
Appointment Request Locks: Allows you to remove the appointment request block. | |
Audit Log: Records a log entry for all events documented by users into the Electronic Health Record. | The Audit Log is only available through the Settings menu. |
EPCS Audit Log: Screen where the recording of sequences of events of electronic prescriptions of controlled medications is displayed. These will be recorded per user and per patient. This screen can be filtered according to the user's needs. | In the Settings / General / EPCS Audit Log screen. |
EPCS Incident Report: Review the controlled substance e-prescribing incident report. | In the Settings / General / EPCS Incident Report screen. |
EPCS Prescription Log: Screen that displays the record of electronic prescriptions of controlled substances. Allows you to view the history of prescriptions sent. Allows you to print the report of the dispatch of prescriptions and search for a specific patient. | In the Settings / General / EPCS Prescription Log screen. |
EPCS Record Export: For this service, you must contact the customer service department at 787-625-0440 to request an export of your EPCS records. Records can be exported, up to a maximum of 2 years in advance. | In the Settings / General / EPCS Record Export screen. |
General: Configure system security options. | General configurations are system wide. The are applicable to all users. |
Groups: Manage user group permissions. | Applicable system wide to each user group. |
Patient Locks: Remove record locks. | |
Progress Note Audit: Configure progress notes to make available to auditors. | |
Staff & Providers: Manage clinical user's information. | |
Users: Manage system users. | |
Configure office management options / information.
Screens and primary functionality | Where is it used? |
Appointments: Configure office hours, holidays and clinical staff vacation, appointment types, examination rooms, etc. | On the Appointments screen. |
Office Directory: Maintain office staff information and type of user and other contact information (phone, e-mail, etc.). | |
Office Information: Maintain office information: Name, Address, Phone Numbers, Logo, etc. | Most system printouts display the information stored here as the document header. |
Referring Providers: Search for and maintain the information of providers to which the practice refers patients. | On the Add Referral screen of the medical record. |
Templates: Create and maintain office templates (Consent forms, letter, procedures, etc.) | Templates can be used in many areas of the application. |
Templates Selection Keywords: Create or modify keywords to be used in custom templates. | |
Workflow Label Settings: The description of the header of the tabs and columns in the Workflow screen is configured. | This configuration is displayed on the Workflow screen, in the Arrivals section and Workflow Items. |
Workflow Statuses: The Workflow statuses are configured. | This setting is reflected in the Status column in the Workflow Items section of the Workflow screen. |
Workflow Viewer: The Workflow monitor is configured. Profiles are created. Customize location filters and select sorting options. | This configuration is displayed on the Workflow screen, by selecting the View option. |
Configure any clinical related area.
Screens and primary functionality | Where is it used? |
Available Medications Settings: The available medications to administer or order to the patient are configured. Templates can also be configured. | This configuration can be viewed in the Clinical Tasks screen. |
Clinical Decision Support: Configure alerts for the patient based on diagnosis, order results, procedures or medication | Alerts are visible when opening the Progress Note screen. |
Clinical Task Templates: Configure task templates to attach to a patient. | Visible by accessing the Clinical Task screen from the Sidebar menu options or by pressing the Clinical Tasks tab on the Workflow screen. |
Clinical Template Symptoms: Create template formats to be used when creating clinical chief complaint options. | When adding new options to the chief complaint clinical evaluation area or on the Clinical Templates option of the Settings / Clinical menu. Users can select a template with pre-established configuration when creating new complaints. |
Clinical Templates: Manage Chief Complaint, HPI, ROS, Past History or Physical Exam options. | In any of the respective clinical evaluation areas: Chief Complaint, HPI, ROS, Past History or Physical Exam |
Development Milestones: Manage Developmental milestones options. Ages and Categories are provided by the CDC. | On the Development Milestones option of the Sidebar on the Progress Note screen. |
Education Handouts: Configure education handouts. Upload your pdf's or scan your education handouts. | On the Education option of the Sidebar on the Progress Note screen. |
Evaluation Form Settings: Create clinical evaluation forms (Questionnaires) | On the Evaluation Form option of the Sidebar on the Progress Note screen. |
Evaluation Types: Create custom clinical evaluation templates. | On the Custom Evaluation option of the Sidebar on the Progress Note screen. |
Facilities: Manage facilities in which you perform procedures. | On the Procedures option of the Sidebar on the Progress Note screen. |
Frequent Codes: Manage your frequently used codes: ICD-9, ICD-10, CPT and UNII (allergy substances). | On any standard code selection screen throughout the medical record. |
Frequent Medications: Manage your frequently prescribed medication and SIG notes. | On the medication search screen. |
Image Library: Add images to use in the Physical Examination screen. | On the Physical Examination screen of the medical record when adding images. |
Immunizations: Configure vaccines (as provided by the CDC) and manage vaccine inventory. | On the Immunizations screen on the medical record. |
Order Sets: Create / Manage order sets that are triggered by specific ICD codes or by manually selecting one from the order sets option on the sidebar menu. | By double clicking on a diagnosis code (with configured Order Sets) or by manually selecting the Order sets option on the Sidebar of the Progress Note screen. |
Order Templates: Create or modify Lab, X-Ray, DME or Procedures order templates. | By pressing the Order Templates button on the toolbar of the Add Orders screen. |
Orders: Configure orders and order components, configure normal value flags and ranges and map LOINC codes to order codes. | When manually adding order results Add Order Results on the Orders screen of the medical record. |
Physical Examination: Manage physical examination option descriptions. | On the Physical Examination screen of the medical record. |
Referral Templates: Create / modify referral templates. | On the Add Referral screen of the medical record. |
Vital Signs: Configure normal range values. | On Add Vital signs screens. |
Configures all the billing areas.
Screens and primary functionality | Where is it used? |
Configuration: Manage billing account credentials (Clearinghouse). | Eligibility checking or claims transmissions. |
Feed Schedules: Manage Fee Schedules. | |
Insurance Companies: Manage insurance coverage and plans. | These would be the plans available in the patient's demographics record. |
Procedures & Cash Rates: Manage custom procedures or special rates. | Displayed in the Billing area. |
Products for Sale: Manage the products sold in office. | It is displayed on the Patient Payments screen. |