
Screen where the Smoking Status information is recorded.


Through the Side Bar section: To locate the Smoking Status button, click on it in the Side Bar of the Progress Note screen. If the Smoking Status button is not visible, click on the Settings button on the Progress Note screen's toolbar. Then, choose the Side Bar Settings option. From the available items on the right, select the Smoking Status option and drag it to the items window in the lower left corner under any Side Bar category. Click the Save button to apply the changes. The Side Bar will update, and the Smoking Status button will now be displayed in the chosen category.

Through the Search section: Click on the Search button located on the left side of the screen, then select the Smoking Status option.



  • Save: When pressed, it saves the data on screen.
  • Cancel: Close the screen and cancel any changes made.


  • Current Status: Current patient status.
  • Status Date: Date the status was registered.
  • Number of years smoking: [Required]: Number of years patient has been smoking.
  • Number of packs a day: [Required]: Number of packs the patient smokes per day.
  • Number of units a day: [Required]: Number of units the patient smokes per day.
  • Smoking Status [Required]: Patient status. Among the options are:
    • Current every day smoker 
    • Current some day smoker
    • Former smoker 
    • Heavy tobacco smoker 
    • Light cigarette smoker (1-9 cigs/day)
    • Light tobacco smoker
    • Never smoker
    • Smoker, current status unknown
    • Unknown if ever smoked
  • Date Started: Approximate date the patient started smoking.
  • Cessation Consultation [Y/N]: By selecting, you are indicating that the patient has been counseled about quitting smoking. This action helps to raise the CQM measure (CMS135v3).
  • Relapsed [Y/N]: When selected, it is indicated that the patient had quit smoking, but again indicated that he is smoking.
  • Quit For Good [Y/N]: When selected, it is indicated that the patient had quit smoking and is still not smoking.
  • Tabla: Displays the patient's saved smoking history.
    • Delete: Right-click on the desired entry to display this option.

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