
Screen where you configure the register of suppliers, which refer to the office or center.


Through Settings

  • In the Main Menu, press the Settings button.
  • Press the Office button and select the Referring Providers button.

Through QuickLinks

  • In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen.
  • Select the Referring Providers option.

Through QuickLinks

  • In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen.
  • Select the Settings option. Then press the Office button and then select the Referring Providers button.

Through Billing

  • From the main menu, press the Billing button.
  • On the Billing Claims and Aging screen, press the Settings button, located at the top of the screen.
  • Select the Referring Providers option.

Through Clinical

  • In the main menu, press the Clinical button.
  • Select a patient, once selected, press the Referral button.
  • Then press the Set button, located in the Specific Provider section of the Patient Referral screen.



  • Add: Allows you to add a new provider (When you press this button, the fields to enter the provider's data will be activated).
  • Edit: Edit the selected provider in the table of already saved providers.
  • Cancel: Cancel any changes to be made, then close the screen.

Search provider registry or NPI Registry Search: Designated section to search within the health provider network. Right now, you can search by NPI, City, zip code, provider name and specialty.

  • Provider Details: Screen to edit the details of the selected provider. The following fields are the search fields: “NPI”, “City”, “Zip”, “Name” and “Specialty”.


  • Name: Name of provider.
  • NPI: Provider's NPI.
  • Specialty: Provider's specialty.
  • Phone: Provider's phone number.
  • Email: Provider's email.
  • Direct Email: Direct Address. The Direct address will be the NPI number followed by
    • Example:
  • Fax: Provider's fax telephone number.
  • Contact: Provider's office contact number.
  • Contact Email: Contact person's e-mail address.
  • Address: Provider's address.
  • Notes: Area where notes are written.

  • Search: The referred suppliers will be displayed, as selected by the user.
    Note: To save one of the searched suppliers, simply left click twice on the name and automatically, the fields in the details section will be filled in, click the OK button. 
  • Tabla de mis proveedores: In this section, you will find the suppliers that the office refers to the most.

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