Screen where you can configure and customize the referral templates, which will appear according to the specialty, in the patient's referral screen.
Through Settings
- In the Main Menu, press the Settings button.
- Press the Clinical button and then select the Referral Templates button.
Through QuickLinks
- In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen.
- Select the Settings option.
- Then press the Clinical button and select the Referral Templates button.
- Add: Allows you to create a new template to be used in the patient referral screen.
- Edit: Allows to edit the selected template.
- Delete: Allows to delete the selected template.
- Cancel: Allows you to cancel any changes, which have been made on the screen.
- Save: Saves changes made to the screen.
- Previous: Closes screen.
Description: Place where the template name is written.
Options: Section where you will find the options related to the referral template.
- Attach Full Record: When selected, a Patient Summary will be created and the e-mail message will be added to be sent to another provider.
- Use e-Referral: When selected, it is indicated that the template to be created will already include the option to send the electronic referral to another provider.
- Print on Save: By selecting, you are indicating that the option will be included, so that a printed version will be printed when the patient's referral is saved.
Referring Provider: In this section, the list of providers registered in the office (Settings / Office / Referring Providers), which the provider regularly uses to make referrals, will be displayed.
Specialty: Section where you can find the specialty of the providers.
Reason: Section where it is written, the reason for the referral.
Conclusion: Section where the conclusion of the referral is written.
Editing Screen
Screen to add the referred provider.
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