
Documents the patient's family and medical history.


Through the Side Bar section: To access the Past History in the Progress Note screen, click the Past History button on the Side Bar. If the Past History button is missing, click the Settings button on the Progress Note screen's toolbar. Then, choose the Side Bar Settings option. From the available items on the right, select Past History and drag it to the items window in the lower left corner under any Side Bar category. Click Save to apply the changes. The Side Bar will update and display the Past History button in the chosen category.

Through the Search section: Click on the Search button located on the left side of the screen, then select the Past History button.

Through the Clinical Evaluation section: Select the Past History text within the Clinical Evaluation section.



  • Physical Examination: The Physical Examination screen is displayed to record any injuries, trauma, and other physical conditions of the patient.
  • Procedures Templates: Enables the addition of procedure templates for the patient's clinical evaluation. 
  • Refresh: Press the refresh button to update the screen after loading options from the Template Store.
  • Leave Note Open: Allows the patient's evaluation to remain open.
  • Order Sets: Enables the management of Order Sets without departing from the patient's clinical evaluation.
  • Load Last: This function loads the items that were selected during the last evaluation for a particular patient.
  • Save as Template: Save the current evaluation as a template for use with other patients.
  • Select Template: Choose a previously saved evaluation template.
  • Save: The selected items are loaded into the clinical evaluation window of the current progress note.
  • Cancel: Exits the screen.
  • Show Previews Notes: When pressed, a column will be displayed that allows the user to preview the clinical evaluation before saving it.
  • Show Search Panel: When pressed, a column will be displayed that allows the user to preview the clinical evaluation before saving it.

    Sort by custom order: Selecting this option allows you to sort the options as they were registered.

    Sort alphabetically: Selecting this option allows you to organize in alphabetical order.

  • Filter By Patient: When selected, it allows you to filter the options by patient.
  • High risk of falling: Select this option, if the patient is a person prone to fall. (This field will be displayed as long as the office or facility is not identified as an emergency room).
  • Life expectancy is 6 months: Select this option, if the patient has an estimated time to live of 6 months. (This field will be displayed as long as the office or facility is not identified as an emergency room).
  • Include All Past History in progress note: By selecting this option, the checked options will also be displayed in the Advanced Progress Note / Clinical Evaluation screen in the section called Past History.
  • Apply Normal: Press to identify the selected options as normal.
  • Select Past History: Select the specific patient history you wish to include in the progress note.
  • Filter Templates By Type: By selecting, you can filter the Templates by categories.
  • Templates: Allows you to select a Template for patient evaluation.
    • Apply: Pressing it will display the selected Template.
    • Clear: Pressing will delete the selected Template.
    • Load Last: Pressing will display the last Template.
  • 4 GridsThe different options for patient evaluation will be displayed.

Edition Screen

Clinical Evaluation display on the progress note screen