
Screen where the panel of procedure codes to be displayed in the Close Patient Encounter screen when closing a progress note is configured.


Through Settings

  • In the Main Menu, press the Settings button.
  • Press the Clinical button and select the Closing Procedures Settings button.

Through QuickLinks

  • In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen. 
  • Select the Settings option. 
  • Then press the Clinical button and select the Closing Procedures Settings button.



  • Add: When pressed, it allows you to add a description for a category of procedure codes. 
  • Edit: When pressed, it allows you to edit the procedure codes created, either by provider or by Default Settings. 
  • Cancel: When pressed, it allows you to cancel any action performed on the screen.  
  • Save:  When pressed, saves all changes made on the screen. 
  • Previous: When pressed, it will close the screen.

Filters: The configuration of this screen can be filtered by supplier, group or set configuration.  

Note: If the supplier has selected the Use Custom Closing Procedures Codes option, in the Settings of the Advanced Progress Note screen, the procedure codes configured by supplier will be displayed. If not selected, the previously configured procedure codes will be displayed.  

Primera Columna (Categories): Allows the procedure codes to be configured by category, according to the supplier's preference.  

Segunda Columna (Procedures Codes): Allows you to configure the procedure codes to be used when closing the progress note.

Screen Codes