
Screen where the patient's care plan is recorded. The options recorded on this screen will contain the Snomed code, so that they can be included in the Patient Summary (CCDA).


Through the Side Bar section: To access the Plan Care button, click on it in the Side Bar on the Progress Note screen. If the Plan Care button is missing, click the Settings button on the Progress Note screen's toolbar, then choose Side Bar Settings. Next, find the Plan Care option in the available items on the right, and drag it to the items window in the lower left corner of any Side Bar category. Click Save to apply the changes. The Side Bar will update, and the Plan Care button will now be visible under the chosen category.

Through the Search section: Click on the Search button located on the left side of the screen, then select the Plan Care button.



  • Save: Allows you to save the record of the patient's medical care plan.
  • Previous: Close screen.


  • Goals: Section where the provider chooses the goals, he/she will be working on with the patient. The goals found in this section are goals that contain a Snomed Code.
    • 1st Tab [Goals]: Goals that the provider has for the patient's medical care. By pressing the right mouse button, the following options will be displayed:
    • Add: It will allow the goals to be added. These goals must be registered with the corresponding “Snomed” code, which is required for the goal to be included in the patient's CCDA.
    • Edit: Allows to edit the goals.
    • Delete: Allows you to delete the goals. 

  • 2nd Tab: Section where the instructions will be displayed, with their corresponding start and end dates, in order to complete the selected goal. By pressing the right mouse button, the following options will be displayed:
    • Add: It will allow to add, the instruction to carry out the target.
    • Edit: Allows to edit the selected instruction.
    • Delete: Allows to delete the selected instruction.

  • Discharged Instructions: Section where the instructions given to the patient for the next clinical evaluation will be displayed. The instructions are as follows:
    • Diagnostics: It will display the diagnoses of the encounter.
    • Medications: It will display, the prescription drugs of the encounter.
    • Labs: It will display, the orders given to the patient of the encounter.

  • Clinical Instructions: Section where the patient's clinical instructions are configured. Instructions can be added, through phrases.

  • Plan Summary: Section where information about the patient's care will be displayed. The following information will be displayed:

    • Order Prescriptions: Information on orders given to the patient.
    • Referrals: Referral information provided to the patient.
    • Educations Aids: Information on patient education delivered to the patient.
    • Follow Up: Information on the follow-up delivered to the patient.