
Section where the detailed information of the patient's appointment is displayed. The user can edit information if necessary and even delete the appointment of the selected patient.


Through Appointments

  • Click on the Appointments button, in the Main Menu screen. 
  • Click twice on the time you want to add the appointment or on the selected patient. Or press the right mouse button and select the New Appointment option.

Through QuickLinks

  • Click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen, in the Main Menu. 
  • Then select the option of "Appointments".
  • Click twice on the time you want to add the appointment or on the selected patient. Or press the right mouse button and select the New Appointment option.

Through Patients

  • On the Patient Details screen, click on the Appointments button, located at the top of the screen.
  • Click twice on the time you want to add the appointment or on the selected patient. Or press the right mouse button and select the New Appointment option.



  • Delete: Allows to delete the patient's created appointment. 
  • Save: Allows to save the registered information and close the screen. 
  • Close: Allows to the screen. 


  • Patient: Patient's name.
  • Office: Select the office to which the appointment will be created.
  • Subject: The patient's name will be displayed.
  • New Patient: Select this option, if the patient is new.
  • Type: Select the patient's appointment type.
  • Speaks Spanish: Upon selection, the text message will be sent to the patient in Spanish. If the patient has Spanish selected, as the primary language in the "Patient Details" screen, automatically, this field will be selected.
  • Provider: It allows you to select the provider who will be attending the patient.
  • Nearest Time Slot: When pressed, it displays the closest available appointment time.
  • Next Time Slot: When pressed, it displays the next available appointment time.
  • Start Time: Select the date and time of the patient's appointment.
  • Duration: Select the estimated time that the appointment will last.
  • Location: Allows to select the room where the patient will be assigned.
  • Mobile: Allows to add the patient's cell phone number, for the purpose of sending text messages, in relation to the appointment. (This service has an additional cost.)
  • Other: Add another alternate phone number for the patient.
  • Arrived At: Select this box, once the patient arrives at the office.
  • Discharged At: Select this box, once the patient is seen in the office.
  • Awaiting Confirmation: By pressing, the user will be able to confirm the appointment of their patients. (This service has an additional charge.) It is recommended to read the following article: Appointments / Appointment Confirmation Service
    • Confirm: When selected, the patient's appointment will be confirmed and automatically, the first arrow will be displayed in green.
    • Cancel Appointment: Upon selection, the patient's appointment will be cancelled.
  • Primary Plan: By pressing, will display the patient's primary health plan card.
  • Secondary Plan: By pressing, will display the patient's secondary plan card.
  • Zoom Insurance Plan: When pressed, it magnifies the image of the patient's medical plan.
  • Scheduled Appointments: Displays the patient's future appointments, up to a maximum of 4 dates. You will also be able to delete appointments, through this section.
  • Appointments Notes: Allows to write a note related to the patient's appointment. This note will be displayed in the appointment log register. The note will be recorded at the patient's appointment.
  • Patients Notes: Allows to write a note related to the patient. This note is reflected in each patient appointment and on the patient's demographic information screen. Likewise, the note will be reflected in the patient's information in the "Arrivals" section, in the main menu and on the "Clinical Records" screen.