Screen for Physiatry, Physical Therapist and Chiropractic specialties. This screen allows you to sign notes incrementally and add Addendum notes to one or multiple selected progress notes (Note: To enable this screen, you must select the Enable Progress Notes Signoffs option in the Settings / General / General screen).
Through Main Menu
- In the main menu, press the Clinical button.
- Click on the Encounter Signoff button, located at the top of the screen.
- Add Quick Addendum: Press to add Addendum notes to one or more selected progress notes.
- Save Layout: Allows you to save the user's preferred screen layout.
- Open Selected: Press to open the selected progress note.
- Previous: Allows to close the screen.
- From/To: Date filter, for the display of closed progress notes. The date filter will be displayed, for a period of one month by Default.
- Physicians / Non-Physicians: Allows you to select users for the display of their closed progress notes.
- Search: Once you have selected the dates and the user, press the Search button to display the closed progress notes, according to the filter selection.
- Board: Section where closed progress notes are displayed.
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