
Screen used to configure clinical alerts.


Through Settings

  • In the Main Menu, press the Settings button.
  • Press the Clinical button and then select the Clinical Decision Support button.

Through QuickLinks

  • In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen. 
  • Select the Settings option. 
  • Then press the Clinical button and select the Clinical Decision Support button.

Through QuickLinks

  • In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen. 
  • Select the Settings Clinical Decision Support option.

If you have an open progress note, the screen will be displayed, with the patient's name.



  • Add: Allows to create a new clinical alert.
  • Edit: Allows to edit the selected alert.
  • Deactivate: Allows to deactivate the selected alert.
  • Previous: Closes screen.
  • Chart Place where clinical alerts are displayed.

Editing Screen

Screen where the clinical alerts are edited.

Alert Details 

  • Description: Detailed description of the alert.
  • Every: Select the number of times you want the clinical alert to be repeated. It contains the following options: Days, Weeks, Months, Years.
  • Available for: Selection of groups, which will be able to view the clinical alert.

Option Alerts

  • Smoking Stauts: Allows you to register the smoking status of the patients to whom you want the clinical alert to be displayed.  
  • For Gender: Allows the alert to be raised by gender. The options are as follows: Female, Male, Unknown and All. 
  • Pregnant: Allows to register the alert, to be deployed to pregnant women only.
  • Between: Allows you to edit the alert, so that it is age specific.
    • Example:
      • From 5 to 15 years of age: Between (5) and (15) years.
      • Up to one year: Between (0) and (12) months.
  • Alerts / Contraindications / Reactions: Description of alert to be displayed.
  • Reference Materials Available for: Identifies the group/groups that will be able to view the reference material on the clinical alert. 
  • Reference: Reference field, which can be found in the different clinical guidelines.
  • Clinical Guideline: Reference field, which can be found in the different clinical guidelines. 
  • Bibliographic Citation: Reference field, which can be found in the different clinical guidelines.
  • Intervention Developer: Reference field, which can be found in the different clinical guidelines. 
  • Funding Source: Reference field, which can be found in the different clinical guidelines. 
  • Add Link to current alert: Allows to add a link to the clinical alert.

Vital Signs:

  • Vital Signs: Section where the vital signs are configured.

Citation Release Date:

  • Release Date: Reference fields of release date, which are found in the different clinical guidelines.
  • Revision Date: Revision date reference fields, which are found in the different clinical guidelines.


  • Diagnosis - Diagnoses can be added, by category, by range and specific.

  • By Category - Perform a search by diagnostic category.

  • By Range - Perform search by range of diagnoses.

  • Specific - Perform search by specific diagnoses.

  • Medications - Medications may be added to the alert by category, specific or by class.

  • By Category - Perform a search by medications category.

  • By Class - Perform a search by medications class. 
  • Specific - Conduct a search for specific medications.

  • Laboratory Results - Laboratory results can be added and edited by laboratory groups or specific laboratories. 

  •  Groups - Perform search, by order group. 

  • Specific - Perform search by specific orders.

  • Allergies - It allows adding allergies, to the clinical alert, by substance allergies, drug allergies and types and/or categories of allergies.  

  • Add Allergy Substance - Perform a search for allergies by substances.  

  • Add Specific Drug - To search for allergies, for any specific medication..

  • Add Allergy Types - Perform a search for types of allergies.

  • Procedures - Allows you to add procedures by category, by range and specific procedures to the clinical alert.
  • By Category - Perform a search of procedures by category.

  • By Range - Perform a search of procedures, by range.

  • Specific - Perform specific procedure search.  
  • Referral - Allows you to add referrals to the clinical alert.  

  • Compliance Assistant - Allows the addition of tasks or homework for the clinical alert.