Screen Description 

This area is used to reconcile the allergies, medications and diagnosis that comes from a CCDA. 


From Main Menu
  • In the Main Menu screen, press the Message Center module. Select the message with a CCDA attached. Then, on the "Clinical Summary Attachment" screen, select the patient. Once selected, press the "Import" button, located at the top of the screen.

From Classic Menu

  • In the Classic Menu screen, press the Messages button, located at the upper right of the screen. Select the message with a CCDA attached. Then, on the "Clinical Summary Attachment" screen, select the patient. Once selected, press the "Import" button, located at the top of the screen. 

From QuickLinks 

  • In the Main Menu screen, press the QuickLinks button, located at the upper right of the screen. Then select the Messages option. Select the message with a CCDA attached. Then, on the "Clinical Summary Attachment" screen, select the patient. Once selected, press the "Import" button, located at the top of the screen. 


  • Reconcile: Allows to continue with the reconciliation process, after selecting allergies, medications and diagnosis that you wish to reconcile of the patients record.
  • Cancel: Allows to cancel the reconciliation.

  • Allergies in Summary: Displays all the allergies that comes from the CCDA file sent.

  • Allergies in Patient's Record: Displays all the allergies from the selected patient.

  • Medications in Summary: Displays all the medications that comes from the CCDA sent file.

  • Medications in Patient's Record: Displays all the medications from selected patient.

  • Problems in Summary: Displays all the diagnosis that comes from the CCDA sent file.

  • Problems in Patient's Record: Displays all the diagnosis from selected patient.