Numerous methods are available for modifying an appointment.
- Navigate to the Appointments screen.
- Choose the appointment from the calendar.
There are two options available for scheduling an appointment
- 1st option: Double-click on the appointment to bring up the Appointment Detail screen.
- 2nd option: To open an appointment, right-click on it and choose the Open option, or simply press Ctrl+O.
- Update the following fields as needed: Start Time, Location, Notes, Arrival Time, or Discharge Time.
- To save your changes, click the Save & Close button.
- Close the screen to cancel the modifications.
Option #2
- Navigate to the Appointments screen.
- Next, choose the patient appointment you wish to edit.
- Choose the patient whose appointment you wish to modify and click the 'Edit' button found in the Side Panel section.
- The following screen will be displayed:
- Apply the modifications to the appropriate fields.
- Click the Save & Close button to save the modifications.
- Alternatively, click the Cancel button to discard any modifications.
Option #3
- Navigate to the Appointments screen.
- Next, choose the patient appointment you wish to edit.
- Choose the patient whose appointment you wish to modify and click the Edit button found in the Side Panel section.
- The following section will be displayed:
- Select the Edit button.
The following screen will be displayed:
- Apply the modifications to the appropriate fields.
- Click the Save & Close button to save the modifications.
Recommended Article:
- Learn More About: Appointments