
Screen where the types of appointments of the office or center are configured.


Through Settings

  • In the Main Menu, press the Settings button.
  • Press the Office button and then select the Appointments button.
  • On the Appointment Settings screen, press the Add button located at the top of the screen and select the Appt. Types option.

Through QuickLinks

  • In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks option, located at the top of the screen.
  • Select the Settings option. Then press the Office button and then select the Appointments button.
  • Or select the Appointments option and press the Settings button, located on the right side of the screen in the Side Panel section.
  • Once on the Appointment Settings screen, press the Add button located at the top of the screen and select the Appt. Types. option.

Through Appointments

  • In the main menu, press the Appointments button.
  • Then press the Settings button, located on the right side of the screen in the Side Bar section.
  • On the Appointment Settings screen, press the Add button, located at the top of the screen and select the Appt. Types option.



  • Sort Editor: Allows you to sort the types of appointments, according to the preference of the office or center. 
  • Add: Allows you to add a new type of appointment from the office or center. Where the Type and color fields are required.


  • Edit: Allows to edit the selected row.
  • Delete: Allows to delete the selected row.
  • Save: Allows to save the changes on screen.
  • Cancel: Cancels any action performed on the screen.
  • Previous: Allows closing the screen.

Chart: Section where the different types of appointments by office or center are displayed.

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