
Opens the screen for creating custom patient. These alerts will be displayed once the patient's arrival is recorded in the appointment entry or when the Patient Details record is accessed for that patient. (Example: Please remember that the patient has an outstanding balance and that lab results are pending.)


Through Main Menu

  • To select a patient, go to the Appointments screen and click the More button located at the top of the screen.
  • Next, choose the Alerts option, followed by selecting New Patient Alert. 

Through QuickLinks

  • Click on the QuickLinks text located at the top of screen. 
  • Select either the Appointments or Patients option. 
  • On both screens, select the patient. Then, click on the More button located at the top of the screen.
  • Select the Alerts option, and then select the New Patient Alert option.

Through Patients

  • Select a patient on the Patients Details screen, click on the More button located at the top of the screen.
  • Select the Alerts option and then select the New Patient Alert option. 


  • Close: Allows to close screen. 
  • Chart: Displays the patient's new created alert. 

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